abhorrent appetites, January 22nd

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A week and a half later, how did I fare in my habit contract?

Faced with inclinations of friends, my virtuous attempts had a last slice’s chance at a dinner table. Jared remains an image of adulthood to me, as he did when we began our first year at the school of business together. He drove, he drank, he smoked- if he wasn’t certain of what to do, my lens did not see it. I met him at a high-end eatery in the North End. Professional basketball and hockey teams played nearby- the establishment fit the motif of an area close to money and action. The wintry mix outside left behind, I took black stairs up and met two hosts who didn’t find his name in their terminal. With their invitation, I entered- noting the many flat screen displays high upon the walls. To my right, I scanned until I locked eyes with the Boston transplant and we beamed at each other.

I didn’t pay much attention to the display almost visible from space. I was surprised to learn it measured a humble 40 feet in length. I felt much smaller by comparison. The television did not scream abundance as much as the menu choices that night.

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I nearly forgot my commitment.

Epsco Pretzel and Beer Cheese

Having not eaten, I appreciated Jared’s initiative in choosing an appetizer. Only my wallet would not agree the fare was appetizing. The white fondue had no hints of an India Pale Ale, its warmth flagging as we discussed life and labor’s effect on us men. The side of mustard bit back sourly, seeds exacerbating a curious texture.

Dirty Burger

Per my rule, deciding on an entrée took no time at all. After all, my favorite food is the cheeseburger. Doubling the patties, I filled myself to near discomfort, but the taste agreed with the senses. A spread of bacon jam, I did not remember nor fathom, but the scent of onions atop the bun elevated the beef.

Gelato & Sorbet

A cook in his own right, Jared displayed gustatory cunning as he elected to cleanse our palettes with lemon sorbet.

A hearty meal accompanied us we continued to drink as if we hadn’t seen beverages in nearly a week. Here, I realize while I enjoyed dinner, I carried myself indulgently. A single patty wouldn’t leave me starving nor would one Mexican beer feel lonely in my gullet. In the company of friends, it’s easy to succumb to indulgence. So how could I overcome the ease at which excess comes?


The things I do for friends...

Teaching myself temperance

According to James Clear, the process of behavior change always starts with awareness. You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them. My reflection this weekend suggests, I let my friends guide my Way, despite the journey being mine. Yeah, I could eat with my friends, but could I let their ways feast on me?



Post Summary

  • Thanks to conformity bias, it's rather easy to do what your friends do. I overate and overspent this weekend... Touching base with my habit contract, from Ben Franklin's 13 virtues, I remember what I want to do.
  • Less is more, in particular when it comes to food. It really tastes better because of company, if you ask me.
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