Today I ran a mile!

So today I ran a mile. I know 1 mile is not a big deal. But I'd just like to say, I haven't run a mile in over 10+years. And not only did i run a mile but i also learned today i beat CANCER! YAY!

Okay so let me explain.

I've been married for 8 years but together with my husband for 11 years altogether. I was young immature and fell madly in love with my lifetime partner. We have been blessed and given the gift of creating a family together. We have 3 children but total of 5 pregnancies.

Yeah that's a lot of times to be pregnant, LOL, I know! Unfortunately our first 2 pregnancies ended in miscarriage during the first trimester. But 3rd time's the charm right? Well it worked out that way for us and shortly after our loss, we were blessed with our amazing first daughter.

On her first birthday we found out we were expecting again and had our baby boy. This pregnancy was very stressfull and painful due to possible birth defects, so it was an emotional rollercoaster awaiting and hoping for the best possible outcome for my baby boy.

Once my son was born he had a few birth defects and we were told by doctors that it was hard to tell of the outcomes but that so much or so little could happen. Such as him growing a vegetable or being completely normal or just having some delays. A LOT OF STRESS!!!

Fast forward year and half later things seemed great. He had a few delays but he was moving a long fairly quick. He was such a happy baby always keeping us on our feet and making us laugh at all his sillyness.

I don't want to make this post all about him since I want to make this about my mile LOL but this information is crucial to my run.... Sadly my son got diagnose with cancer and passed away 6 months later at the young age of 2.

SAME DAY he passed away i found out i was pregnant AGAIN with my daughter. CRAZY! But i was excited and scared plus stressed and hormonal.

My marriage was in between all these emotions for both myself and my husband. Facing our sons loss + new pregnancy + our 3 almost 4 year old daughter also struggling to understand and comprehend everything that was going on + my love and i trying to understand each others emotions + more.

But we failed. We gave up. I cannot speak for him but i know i was very immature caught up on all my pain and anger i took a lot of it out on him. Brought up stupid arguments and found whatever reason i could find to blame him for whatever i could and i fought my husband rather than fighting for him, for us, for our family!

After a few years of being on our own, we found love again and decided to fight. Together this time we fought cancer. This isn't the type of cancer that you beat with medicine, but the type of cancer you beat with God, love and His mercy. This cancer is called divorce. We have now been reconstructing everything that was damaged and building our home again. 1 hair follicle at a time :) .

Our daughters are sooooooo much happier these days and so am I. I think my baby daddy is too hehe.

So today my husband a.k.a. my personal fitness coach, told me to run for 20 minutes, i immediately said NOOOO i cannot do that. Coach stood to his ground and didn't listen to my excuses and sent me to run.

Okay so here i am running and trying not to think about how much time i have left, and instead tried praying "i can do all things through Christ" and asking God for his strength to survive at least 1 lap LOL. I did 1 lap along side my eldest daughter since she's training for iron kids and went on to my second lap. As i was almost finished with this lap, i noticed my husband either taking pictures of me or recording , not sure, asking me how i was doing. Almost finished with my second lap i was ready to give up. I was dying. My husband noticed and joined my daughter and me on our 3rd lap. NOW i'm trying to not be a wimpy loser and pushed myself to at least finish this lap. My coach was right there beside me telling me to slow down and breathe better. Before i noticed i was almost done with my 4th lap. I couldn't believe it. I was so psyched to have done 4 laps without a pause. When i finished i looked back and there was my coach. I said i did it! I swear I wanted to cry LOL. My emotions were strong and i had a quick flashback. I said a few years ago I couldn't and would never fight for this marriage again but i did. I ran beside my coach, my partner, my love. I RAN A FREAKEN MILE! And with God's help, we beat this nasty cancer called DIVORCE!

I hope this post motivates at least 1 person to fight! Don't give up. You can do it! Run along with your partner and be there for one another. God makes no mistakes and what He brings together no man can seperate!

God Bless


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