what is the function of nature for all of us? #Indonesia

Some of the plants in world have function and role as food cultivation. The availability of food and food for the people of Indonesia comes from the types of grains, tubers, beans, vegetables, and various types of plantation crops, such as coconut, palm, fruits and others.


The many species of trees that exist in forests around the world is a great boon for the community. Various types of trees that are used as the main source of life support after the tree is used as wood processed. The trees are cut down, cut and made into blocks and the sheets of the board are adapted for use.

from that point alone we can conclude how important nature to man

# from now on let's keep the forest around us **the following actions we must do for nature** 1.do not cut trees at random 2.do not burn the forest 3.do not throw garbage in the forest 4.protect and preserve the habitat of animals in the forest 5.do not pollute the forest environment
# that's what we have to do with the environment, for our nature

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