Thanks for Checking!

A big thank you to @salty-mcgriddles for checking my exif data and finding that it was missing! I had no idea. Apparently I had a box checked on Photoshop's "save for web" dialogue that didn't put the exif data (to keep file size down). While it's not particularly important for my blog posts (I can always supply it to folks who want it), it IS important for when I enter contests or put my photos up on photography sites. So a big shout-out to @salty-mcgriddles!


I've uploaded the photos with their exif data to my wetlands post and will include it from now on. (Though it makes the file sizes larger :-( ) I won't be, however, going back through every photo, re-saving it with that box checked, etc.--too much work. I also don't usually put a watermark on photos that aren't portfolio quality (i.e. my most of my farm photos). Don't worry, they're still mine. If you follow my work, you'll see a similar style throughout.

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