@tegoshei's Photographer at Heart Series #06 (The Church and Stuff Around It)

It's been a year since I updated this series. Time flies really fast and we just don't notice it sometimes. The last entry to this series was dated last year, which you can see in THIS LINK.

Well, it couldn't be helped. I lost my phone last year and I couldn't take photos for a while. After then, a lot of things happened and I became quite inactive in the blogging world. I actually just started blogging actively again a few months back. I didn't really leave... though the posts I share per week decreased. However, I'll do my best to share stuff a few times a week if not every day.

Going back to this series, I got the chance to take some pictures today because I and my mama went to church to light some candles and offer prayers to my grandma. It's her first death anniversary today. Wow... time indeed is fast. But one thing's for sure, life goes on.

For the photos that I'll be sharing, I took them using my Nokia 5 phone and edited/enhanced them using PhotoScape desktop app. I hope you enjoy them!



It was quite sunny this morning, but as I'm writing this blog post, I can hear some thunder. I wonder if it'll rain. The sky looks bright, though.

This church is Santa Teresa de Avila Parish Church in Talisay City, Cebu. Parts of it was destroyed during an earthquake about 5 years ago, but the renovation has been finished. The small steps in front of the church was also made together with the renovation.


That small structure behind the tree is where we light some candles and offer our prayers. In the past, we just had to light some candles inside the church. They placed a small area at the back part to light some candles. However, having this separate place is much better. You can concentrate more. The church in my city isn't very crowded especially on weekdays, so I prefer going there on such days.


Lighting a candle represents our prayers. Well, at least, it's what we do. It might be different for others. :) For me, a lit candle is a symbol of hope. When we feel that we are in our darkest, when we light just one candle, seeing the light coming from it would make us feel hopeful.


This last picture might be kind of unrelated, but I saw these big ants near the tree you saw in the third picture. When I got out of the small structure after praying and lighting some candles, I saw these little guys. I found them very cute, and so I tried to take a decent photo of them. They move so fast and the focus of my phone camera isn't that good. T_T

If I get the chance, I'd love to get myself a camera to take a lot of different pictures. I mean, I'm not that good, but I enjoy photography. It makes me feel good and happy. Whenever I see something interesting, I take a snap. (^^) Ironically, I'm a homebody... but whenever I go out somewhere, I'd definitely take more and more pictures. <3

Thanks a lot for checking this post out. Until next time! (_)v

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