Back to photography to relax and regroup

So many things have been going on that I just had to step back and get some photography in. I didn't have a whole lot of time and I still need to go through all I captured but something inside me needed some pretty flowers to help relax me. I hope you enjoy these two shots.

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I have to remember when life is stressful to take a step back and do something for me. It helps keep me clear headed and allows me to think outside the box when I have to work out a problem. And build a house there are lots of issues that come up and for someone who likes to be in control and get things done, set backs can be very stressful. But by taking some time for what I love allowed me to regroup and things are moving along on the house front now. I am waiting to talk to my contractor I am expecting him to call soon, once he does I am going to try to get a house update in. If not tonight then tomorrow.


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