Festive Reindeer

Festive Reindeer

Well this evenings post is a break from my normal evening actifit posts as I didn't get many steps in today at all, I did try twice to get out for walks but luck was against me as each time I went out it started raining, now I do not mind a little rain but I really don't like getting my camera wet, but it did allow me some time to edit some photos from a couple of mornings walks around NYC this week to share this evening of the festive displays around the city, and this post as the title gives away I will focus on reindeer.

Starting at one of the places I make sure I visit at this time every year the Peninsular hotel with the reindeer and the little trumpeters, now when I first saw them a few years back the trumpeters weren't there and I am not so sure what I think of them but I do love the reindeer and that's why this first posting in this series of posts with shots taken with my camera of the festive decorations starts with these

1 1 Festive Reindeer5.jpg

Sony A7iii 27mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 1600
Click here to view larger

The peninsular does such a nice job of the seasonal decorations at this time of year, I need to go back if time permits and get a closer in shot of the reindeer, which for some reason I forgot to do on this visit

1 1 Festive Reindeer4.jpg

Sony A7iii 28mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 5000
Click here to view larger

And sticking with reindeer for this post these ones are above the entrance to The Langham Building in the city, now either I have not been observant when passing by this building previous years or they are new this year and worth a few shots I feel.

1 1 Festive Reindeer.jpg

Sony A7iii 75mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Here they are from another angle

1 1 Festive Reindeer3.jpg

Sony A7iii 75mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And from across the street looking into the entrance, I feel they have done a simple yet nice layout, sometimes fancy is cool but simple can stand out as well and I feel it does in this case

1 1 Festive Reindeer2.jpg

Sony A7iii 38mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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!steemitworldmap 40.761864 lat -73.975356 long The Peninsular Hotel NYC d3scr

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