Thoughts, Words and Photos (Nineteen)

We all live in bubbles of various shapes, sizes, constructions based on our experience and willingness to go out and experience more. A lot of people are under the impression that in order to be creative, one must experience a lot and they take this to mean travel and see the world but what of the creatives who didn't? How far did Shakespeare or Da Vinci travel in their lives?

I have talked about it before but the world is filled with inspiration and even the smallest details can offer food for imaginary thought, the psychological impetus to push the thinking. I have been investigating this in myself lately to see how my mind looks at these details to try and discover how it jumps fro one thought to the next and the way it builds bridges to close the gaps in seemingly unrelated thoughts. It isn't very easy to do, the mind works fast.

Since childhood, I have always wondered why we aren't trained to improve our thinking, why schooling systems haven't at least attempted to develop our ability to process and parse information through. Imagine how much better off we would be as a community and society if all within had actively worked to improve their thinking abilities. I don't just mean their rational processes either, but the creative sides where boundaries can be pushed until the walls of the box no longer hold firm.

The other day a friend of mine said about herself that I am no imaginative' but, I do not believe this to be true at all as I think all have the ability and all use it however, some are more willing than others to push the boundaries a little more, increase the discomfort. I have a feeling that many people limit thinking because they judge their thoughts as good or bad as if what they think about is reality.

There is the idea of 'What we think, we become' and people take this to mean whatever we think but this is not the case. It is what we think and act upon that creates us, what we believe. We are more than capable of having thoughts, investigating concepts and putting ourselves into a whole range of fantastical positions without acting upon them or, even wanting to act upon them. In my experience, it is often those who are only willing to think narrowly and commit action without imagination who behave the worst as it is they who have not questioned if there is another way.

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The photos are of a feather in the grass after the rain.

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