Photos from moments remembered

I finally had a chance to have a look at what I photographed in Auschwitz and a moment to process them. I showed my wife and she couldn't watch them all, I can understand her. As I cropped the shots and adjusted them into black and white the feeling wasn't one of like, it felt more of necessity. I wrote today that I consider value to be something that makes me think, something that changes me, improves me and going through these shots was filled with discomfort but something I feel needed to be done.

I am a visual person and the way my memory works is through building a scene, a network of images that represent concepts and procedures, they stick to me and provide reference and of course, reflection as the case may be. I wanted to find a way to remember my time there and find some kind of honesty in the perspective to present, but failed. How can words or images ever capture the horror of events that are not so distant, that some still can recall with clarity. It is impossible.

Essentially, nothing I could ever say or show would ever be relevant but, as we talk of values, speak of community and the future, we have to at least try to understand what has come to pass and do all we can to ensure it will never be so again, we can be better. We have to make ourselves uncomfortable and face the reality of what we are capable of and how we play a role in whatever future there will be and move toward one of betterment.

We can also choose to stay silent. Passive.

We are told to face our fears but so often when confronted we turn away and avoid what we know scares us, distract ourselves from the sight of pain and suffering, even if it is our own. I have always believed art is more than for a pleasant view of the world, it can show us ourselves in its reflection, give us views of lives we will never know, close gaps in understanding we might never willingly approach.

It isn't easy, it is always imperfect.

I am glad that I had a chance to walk those paths and take these pictures because it was a stark reminder to me of where we could be and all of the little steps that led into atrocity. I hope that all of my own little steps through this world will lead continually away and toward something that empowers individuals and groups to be their best, to flourish and thrive in opportunity. It is a slow process either way but one that speeds as the mass increases.

We make both enemies and friends.
There could be just a discussion difference between.

There is beauty in the struggle to overcome ourselves.

[ a Steem original ]

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