good photography way

basically I like all kinds of photography. from macros to landscape, from street photography to strobist.

then when asked, why do I like animal pictures? answer me "is easy. not need to direct the pose, not too dependent on the weather. enough capital lenses tele which incidentally can rent, go to the local zoo, snap-snap, so deh! "

easy as that? apparently not! when I showed my photos to a senior photographer, he commented that my photos were just a snapshot of a walk to the zoo alone. Shocked? Offended? Of course. All aspects of photography have been fulfilled. exposure, composition, color, and more?


he criticism of a friend was a lash for me. I am so diligent to open the book of photography in the library, google there, google here, until finally I find my shortcomings.

not just a close-up
photographing animals is generally required tele lens (tele lens), especially if you are in the wild. so it is with the zoo. Because if not, the point of interest and details of the animal will certainly not be obvious. unless you intend to compose with his natural nature. cliffs, trees, sunset, can be an interesting element besides just a picture of animals in the middle of the frame.

use another tele lens that is, if you are in the zoo, the bars of the cage can be made out of focus with large aperture openings.

eye contact
there is nothing wrong with photography, just nice and not good to see. for that there are indeed some grips that are commonly followed for photographing animals; one of which is eye contact. Prepare to be covered with soil and dust bath. Subdue yourself, if necessary, down. Attempt the eye-level of the animal's eyes with your lens.

because the eye is the window of the heart, your photo will feel more intimate and your object animal feels more expressive. As well as basic photographs of humans, the camera's focus point should be on the eyes of the object. Which eyes? the closest to your lens. for the latter, can not be contested.


camera settings
in general I am shooting with setting shutter priority (S on Nikon, Tv on Canon). This is because the animal movement is difficult to guess. There are times when I want to freeze orangutans that jump from tree to tree, or sometimes I want to get the motion blur / panning effect of a running horse. if my setting is in aperture priority or manual, it's difficult to set it every time. the moment the trigger is gone.

use high continuous mode. we will never know when the best moments from animals in motion will be we get. the risk is full memory card will be full, especially if you use raw format

set focus mode in continuous Focus. On Nikon is shown by AF-C, on canon, AI Servo. continuous Focus is useful for shooting the focus of an object that is always moving.


non technical stuff
photographing animals is not just technical. animals are living things that have their own expressions and uniqueness. discover their unique natural properties. the lion's roaring lion's image is certainly more interesting than the one nodding off under the tree. the dog that was jumping catch the frisbee, much more interesting than the daydreaming in front of the cage.

photography is a waiting game. sometimes a wildlife photographer has to wait for hours or days to wait for a certain moment.
activity is ahead of meal schedule. Find out their meal schedule. They will be more active at the time of being fed, such as jumping here and there, running for food seizures and so forth. Arrive early to the area before lunch time, usually full. Determine the best spot, make sure all the camera settings are correct, you will get more than just animal portrait!

last tips, be the responsible photographer. Never interfere with the wildlife of animals and their natural habitats. That's what counts. Your photos will not mean anything if the animals you take are disturbed let alone abused. start learning from your pet before you dive into the wild

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