a stronghold against the Malacca Strait in Aceh

Assalamualaikum teman-teman balik lagi nih,kali ini aku mau berbagi cerita tentang BENTENG INDRA PATRA Kalian pasti tau dong tempat wisata yg satu ini,kalo kalian belum tau kalian harus kesini deh ya tepatnya di ujong bate,krung raya,aceh besar.Kalian tau ga sih benteng ini sudah sangat lama adanya,benteng ini dibangun untuk pertahanan saat perlawanan selat malaka,yg harus kalian tau guys ternyataa benteng ini sudah ada seblm adanya. Kerajaan aceh ddarusalam loh Yg pasti disini seru banget guys apalagi lautnnya yg indah ga akan buat kalian nyesel deh,ditunggu ya kedatangan temen2 ke kota ku yg indah.


The fortress is one of the human relics that are still found in Indonesia. The fortress is the wall of the wall (stone, soil, etc.) to protect the city from enemy attack (poerwadarminta, 1982: 21). In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) mentioned the castle is a building shelter or survive from enemy attacks of human and animal.


Cities in Indonesia based on umbrellaval evidence can be divided into two types, namely the type of city wears the river tent to defense (Tuban, Banten, and Cirebon) and the type of city does not use the roofing (Samudera Pasai, Gresik, Aceh Sultanate). Banda Aceh, one of the oldest cities has no castle, but the fortresses are only placed in the river estuation made from stone. In the inland area found also the fortes made of stone times and bricks. The former fortression of the Alich's sultanate relics has a four-square shape and rectangular with two-way-wide variations equipped with a survey hole. The difference from some of the castles depends on the founding concept of the fortress.


At the leadership of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah (1588-1604 M) the trade relationship of Aceh Sultanate was also done with several foreign nations. The relationship with the Portuguese islandly pace with the peace agreement from both parties by giving the Portigent trade freedom in the capital of the Sultanate. The Audition Sultanese subsequently conducted trading relationship with the Dutch kingdom in 1602 M. The Portuguese who knew it tried to incite the esculture of Aceh did not make cooperation with the Netherlands, but not carefully by the Sultanate. More and more foreigners who trade in the sultanate area, it will be better and advanced sultanate. The realization of the relationship is to be so welcomed by Abdul Zamad and Sri Mohammad who are two syntplazers by Prince Mauritz. The next relationship was conducted by the Audition of the Aceh with the United Kingdom that was evidenced by the receipt of the letter from the Queen of the United States, which Jibes Lancaster said.


I would like to thanks for @good-karma and team who created incredible esteem app.
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