Slavery ain’t generational, who you worship who you prayin’ to? 👁


If those who know the true power of God had our best interests in mind then we wouldn't be in the situation we are today. The problem starts with the imagery provided to us from birth.

You see, if they can put an image to it they can manipulate the way we understand it. For example, someone tells you that God is a person just like us and they paint a picture of what he 'looked like' by doing so we put the power of control outside of our own hands. Believing in fate that things happen for a reason rather than because we make them happen.

This is not a matter of not believing in God but believing that those who have learned how to manipulate the power of God, have enslaved us for far too long. We often think of things too literal, whereas if I were to instead tell you that God was your Subconscious thought, it would possibly allow you to believe that anything was possible because you were your own God.


They don't want us thinking this way because if we did, the society we live in simply could not exist. There would be no belief in the idea that one is greater than the other, as it would not have been painted that way for us through imagery or what I would consider as modern day propaganda. Most successful people have become successful through manifestation. Which means they have set a defined goal, visualized it, and applied emotion to it with active practice and repitition.

However, what happens when you have a group of individuals that are going about life not always setting their goals or plans for the future? Or even worse, what if they are setting goals to be something of which negatively contributes to society without even knowing it? Well in this case it allows for those who understand the power of thought to manipulate us.

As the images we see which are included in our TV shows, movies, advertisements, products, and more, are constantly swaying our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. If your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are not your own but are coming from external factors, how could anything get accomplished? The answer is simple, it's not. Unless your the one providing the external factors of control.


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