Sunset and Fragments of the Cloud

I found this view in this afternoon. I rushed to get them through the paddy field landscape in my village. It was not only sunset that made me like these shots, but the fragments of the dark and the light cloud floating over that created the reflection on the murky water of the field, emerging a very natural art. These fragments were like a painting following the form of the those fragments,. There, I was stunning a moment, and I won't miss these details to capture.

Saya menemukan pemandangan ini di sore hari. Saya bergegas mengambil poto-poto sunset ini lewat lanskap sawah di desa saya. Bukan hanya sunset yang membuat saya menyukai poto ini, tetapi serpihan-serpihan terang yang mengambang di atasnya dan menciptakan pantulan di air berlumpur di lahan sawah, menampakkan seni yang sangat alami. Potongan-potongan ini seperti lukisan mengikuti bentuk fragment itu,. Di sana, saya takjub sesaat, dan saya tidak akan melewatkan keindahan ini.




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