I photographed a quite iconic show in 2018 and this is what happened

⚡️ So, how's your 2019 treating you so far? ⚡️

Stacy The Cool Cat, the depression-glorifying mastermind is back, reporting from the amazing cruel town aka Munich again! I had this year's first full-blown nervous breakdown at work the other day, still refuse to seek help and I have no idea why I'm telling the world again. But let's get away from the obvious... I thought I'd share a personal-highlight-story (???) of 2018 here.
Ready? Let's do this...


(I have no idea why I can't upload images in FullRes today, but I don't really care...)

So, some of you might know that I spent more time in Stockholm than I did at home last year... What you might not know that I had some business there in September. And surprise! I shot a concert of Sweden's most legendary electronic band – The Mobile Homes. Again, I don't think you ever heard of them. They sound a bit like sad Depeche Mode with a Scandinavian flair. And their recent music videos are just plain amazing too, just look up "The Final Party" on YouTube.

I came across this band by accident in 2017-ish, just around the time they released their single "It Used To Be Fun" – What. A. Hit! – and I think the music blog I'm collaborating with eventually ended up featuring them at some point. Well, I got contacted by Psykbunkern, the band's record label, but that's a different story.

Anyway, The Mobile Homes had a show in Stockholm's legendary venue Debaser in late September, I was there and this is how it looked like... I was more than just the regular kind of anxious before this show – I knew what's coming up and at the same time, I didn't and since this band uses synthesizers and nothing but synthesizers on stage, I was in for one of the trickiest shows ever. See the whole gallery here: http://www.festivalphoto.net/pictures&concertID=38901

Sorry-not-sorry for the non-full-res photos. Can't do anything about it now.







I guess I'll never forget the moment when I was returning from the show at early morning hours, walking down the Västerbron all the way to the hotel... Stockholm has this iconic vibe that I can't really describe... You know, I kinda feel that this city is one of the few places that I connect with as a person... It's beautiful sometimes...
And folks, don't shoot concerts when you're on some anxiety medication. I have no fucking idea how I got these pictures together. And why the hell I cranked the ISO up to infinity is another questionable thing...

With all of this being said, thanks for reading this incoherent story. Feel free to upvote, comment, you know the drill. I'll be back when I have something relevant to say. Do I ever? God knows... Bye!


From Munich with Love and Peace,
– Stacy, The Cool Cat

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