Tour to Historical place, Haemi town base in Korea

Haemi base portal.
In my office we have a plan to look around the historical place to improve our imagination.
This time we had a tour on Haemi town which is the western base of defence in Chosun dynasty.
In Chosun dynasty the Japanese pirates were the serious threat to people. For more than 1000 years the Japanese pirates endlessly threatened the Korean peninsula and the China. When the Japanese pirates were powerful, they entered into deeper land.
So Chosun dynasty built a several base to protect the japanese pirates' invasion.
The Haemi defense town was the one of these bases.

I am posting a map for you steemina to understand.

Haemi means literally sea beauty.
May be Haemi was very beautiful, but we can not see the see because of the reclamation.
They filled the sea for the agriculture.
Anyway We arrived, there big wall was waiting for us

Inside the wall is a slope for the soldiers come up easily.

In the portal a man stood there to show the past fot the tourist. He didn't move. I thought it might be very hard to maintain one posture. I was sory to him

Inside of the portal there was beautiful ceiling. Some pictures were drawn. Maybe it was a bird. I don't know what the bird is.

Inside of the wall is wide open, so many people sat to rest. No need to pay to enter the base. For free is always welcome

THERE was weird tree.
Here starts the saddest story.
More than 150 years ago in Korea, there was no freem in faith. Chosun dynasty was a Confucius country.
But some upper intellectuals studied the Catholicism and accepted as a religion.
Strangely enough Korea was the first country to accept the Catholicism by themselves.
Catholicism was spread quickly. Chosun dynasty strictly prohibited to believe in God. If they didn't abandon their faith, they put them to the death.
Nation wide execution was done.
In Haemi area this base was execution place.
They hanged people to this tree and tortured and killed
More than several thousands were killed. But not a single one betrayed.

This is prison.

Beating tool
They beated the prisoners to dead

Another place I found a bride who took a picture to celebrate her wedding.
She was so beautiful, her fashion was fantastic.
The clothes were well harmonized with traditional hose and soft sunshine.

There was a pavilion on the top if the hill.

There I sat and rest a whil.
pinetree forests were excellent.

The forest might ve remembered the tragedy of that day.
Time flies. And everything should be disappeared.
But the pinetrees and the wind never forget

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