The Tragedies in The Beautiful Autumn Leaves

Before beginning the post on the temples, I’d like to introduce my lovely park where I am staying.
It is the Yangjae citizen’s forest park in Seoul.
This park is really beautiful really in Autumn. Autumn leaves in the park are one of the best among the parks in Seoul. In this fall, the Autumn leaves in this park was much more beautiful than those of other places.
In this fall, the temperature fell dawn very quickly, so colors of Autumn leaves were not so wonderful even in the most famous place for Autumn leaves.




So the Autumn leaves in this park was even better because of the sudden decline of the climate. The heat of the city seemed to make the autumn leaves in this temple colorful.




While walking along the road, I could find the monuments on the other corner of the park where I did’n get there until now.

The first monument was for the special force during the Korean War 1950-1953. They had fought during the Korean War as the irregular forces behind the enemy territory.


The second was made for the sacrifices of the explosion of the Korean Airline by the North Korean Terrorist crime in 1897 AD.


The third was for the sacrifices of the disastrous collapse of the Sampung Department Building in 1995 AD.


I didn’t expect to meet the tragedies of the Korean contemporary history in this unexpected place.
Now I could understand that our peaceful life was surrounded by those tragedies.

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