LOMO: DianaMini Series Episode #3


Happy Accidents

The great thing about little experiments is that you have no idea what you're doing and what the outcomes will be. Sometimes you get the most amazing results from a simple accident. A wise man, who goes by the name of Bob Ross, called these Happy Accidents. These accidents can even be the best thing.

Case in point, the above picture I took turned out to be my favorite shot out of my first four rolls of film and it happened completely by accident. I guess I didn't wind the film all the way and got this amazing overlap effect. I still don't know how or why the picture came out so grainy but I love it! It adds a whole other element to the photo. It looks like it has been put through filters or altered with effects but this is 100% Analog. If any of my fellow steem film photographers have any idea how this happened, please let know!

Episode #3 Third Roll

Here are a few of the good and not so good shots from my third roll of film...


This is my second favorite photo. Just driving on the freeway. Not me, I wasn't driving, more like riding down the freeway.


Another freeway shot. This one came out with a burn on the bottom corner that I think looks cool. Like it's imperfect in the best way and makes an otherwise ok photo look unique.


This is a bad one. There was very dim lighting in the room and I didn't hold down the shutter switch long enough to let more light in which you really need to do with this camera indoors or at night. It's a shot of some records on a table. Yes, that is Gunship if you were wondering!


This is another good one. I mean it's clouds. You can never go wrong with clouds. It looks as if the dark clouds are moving in from the west and something bad is coming.

Well friends, that concludes today's episode. Stay tuned steemians for more experiments.
Until then, let me know what you think or share some of your photo experiments with me, @sleepy.vanilla!

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