Students of London,challenging life


Before you arrived at a London university, you knew the streets weren’t paved with gold, but you probably thought London was an amazing city, if not a little expensive.

And yes, it is an amazing city, but its problems aren’t limited to minor expense. From its layout (London is not a grid) to the nightlife, being a student in the city can be, shall we say, “challenging”. In the wise words of Jay-Z - I’ve got 99 problems, and London is all of them.
By the way he will be giving a concert in London

1 Travelling by Tube
To non-Londoners: a convenient form of transportation allowing fast access to London destinations. To you: having your face squashed into someone’s armpit twice a day, every day.

2 Student Finance


You get a bigger grant than everyone else, but it still doesn’t even cover the cost of your accommodation. Student Finance ensures you’re eternally poor.

3 The “London Pace”

It started off as breaking into a light jog to dodge crowds of tourists clogging up the pavements, but now it’s your natural walking pace.

4 Never Getting Your Haircut


Haircuts in London can be very expensive however there is a plenty of discount offers as high as 20 % ,
London Students are:

  1. sill consider less to take such a treat
  2. still doesn't change the fact - no money left to spend .

5 Google Maps is Your Life

You use it to get everywhere. Fail to plan your journey in advance and you’re lost forever. If you’ve ever been to the Shoreditch roundabout in an attempt to find XOYO, you’ll understand. Still, at least you’re not in the good ol’ days of the London A-Z.

6 The Perils of Graduation

Knowing that moving back home after graduation is a very real possibility, as you’re more likely to get a job in MI5 than a normal job in London (unless you’re a medicine or law student). It’s either that or run the risk of being this guy.

7 Your Overdraft is Your Savings Account


You spend most of your time at uni in denial of the fact that your overdraft actually isn’t your money, because you never get out of it. You don’t see it as a debt, rather a liberation - without it, you’d be on the street.

8 It Snows at All Your Other Friends’ Unis


But not yours. You see your friends building snowmen and having snowball fights but it’s a balmy 8 degrees in London. It just rains.

9 The Weekend time


Anywhere else, the weekend is a great thing, but not London. Not only are half the tube lines closed due to “planned engineering works”, the ones that are open are choc-a-bloc full of tourists. Anywhere you’d consider going on the weekend - a gallery, a museum - is a perilous trip. Best stay at home.

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