A Snowy End to 2020

It began to snow in the wee hours on December 30th. It snowed all day, and by the time I went to bed we had gotten 6" of snow.


New Year's Eve morning I measured an additional 3", and nearly another inch fell before it finally quit snowing late in the morning. So our total for this storm was near 10". The photo above shows our deck railing and the mountain ash tree laden with snow.


The snowy woods near our house are very picturesque when snow has freshly fallen. When the temperature rose above freezing a little later in the day, the snow began to settle and became very heavy and wet. It also began to fall off the trees, and then it began to slide off the metal roof on our house. My grandpuppy gets very upset with the noise that makes, so he stuck close to me all day, occupying my lap whenever possible. I called him Velcro Dog.


That's my husband's tractor by the garage. He has a snowblower attachment on the rear, and a scoop on the front. He sometimes swaps out the scoop for a plow, but right now the plow needs repair. (@flemingfarm can relate to this story.) Last evening the control for the scoop broke off, and the snow had become too heavy and wet for the blower to move it. After initial semi-panic and frustration, he located a bolt of the correct diameter out in the garage and was able to use it instead of the broken piece.


My vehicle is under there somewhere. If you don't live in a snowy region, you might wonder why the windshield wipers are sticking up. It serves a couple of purposes. It makes it easier to brush the snow off the windshield. And, if there was any freezing rain before it began to snow, the wipers won't be frozen to the glass.

All photos taken on my Android phone.

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