The Paradox of Nature

par·a·dox - a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.

The paradox of nature, for me, is found at Venice Beach in Los Angeles CA.

There come, in life, times when your "normal" is disrupted. When your spiritual, mental, and/or physical existence is thrown into chaos. You've lost your footing, you're lost, walking through life
in invisible haze. IMG_6719.JPG
During such a time, in my life, I found respite at Venice Beach.

It's peaceful vibranceIMG_6704.JPGWelcoming.IMG_0821.JPG

Its Calming EmbraceIMG_6718.JPG
nurtures the heart. Gently washing away any pain or angst.

Bringing one closer to the object for which they are longing, and further from the pain of separation from the same.

And so I return on the same day every week, at the same time, to the same place.

To watch my fellow travelers through serenity.IMG_0646.JPG

and marvel at the diversity.IMG_0647.JPG

To bury my feet in the sand, IMG_1032.JPGand be grounded.

Wash my feet in the ocean,
and be free.

But mostly I come hereIMG_0481.JPG
to watch a sun set.

It is in this moment when I feel everything is as it should be. I am reminded of the
Paradox of Nature.
Marveling at nature's majesty, vastness, and her beauty. I am, at once, alone with myself, feeling comforted in that solitude, while feeling the excitement and abundance of life, being connected to everyone and everything.
Therin lies the contradictory qualities of nature; its paradox if you will.
Alone and not Alone
It is a powerful place to be.
In that place is LOVE.
In that place is LIFE.
In that place is GOD.

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