#BRICKWALL in front of a cloudless blue sky | BACKSTEINWAND vor wolkenlosen blauen Himmel

this old brickwall near from my home - shows the old industrial architecture - time goes by - the blue sky reflecting in the windows - shows the new perspectives - time change style - change the view - brickwall in front of a cloudless, how long you will be here?

diese alte Backsteinwand nicht weit von meinem zuhause - zeigt die alte industrie architektur - zeit vergeht - den blauen himmel spiegelt sich in den fenstern - zeigt neue perspektiven - die zeit ändert den stil - ändert die sichtweise - backsteinwand vor wolkenlosen blauen himmel, wie lange bleibst hier?


Brickwall #1 | photo by @sanglia007 | october 2018


Brickwall #2 | photo by @sanglia007 | october 2018


Brickwall #3 | photo by @sanglia007 | october 2018

Thanks for upvote, reply and any messages/support. saluti da @sanglia007

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