5 animals most frequently exchange partner

It was not the man who sometimes tempted to change or cheating spouse, partner swapping phenomenon also occurs in the animal world. Some animal species are known to exchange couples to reproduce. Here are 5 animals that like to exchange the pair.

1. The Walrus (Sea Bear)

In the icy waters, walrus males will emit loud noises to attract the attention of females, not just on the surface even when in the waters they make a sound that resembles a bell or pulse.

Walrus or walrus male known as polygynous animals or perform a marriage with more than one female. So when the breeding season arrives, the male walrus will be in a group of females for fertilization performed in the waters.

2. Red jungle fowl

One of wild birds and look attractive is the red jungle fowl males, even those known also as pecintan are not picky partner. Male red partridge was not reluctant to perform a marriage with female relatives. Although the females tried hard to say no to mating, but they were not able to reduce the aggressiveness of the male.

3. Hyena Leopard

Spotted hyenas are one of the animals that embraces matriarki, I wonder if the presence of females dominate males in a large group. But despite dominating socially, they do not mind when the males are polygamous. Exchange couples especially males often occurs during mating season.

4. Bronze-winged jacana (Jacana Bird Wings Bronze)

Jacana bronze wings is a bird that lives in waters such as rivers, lakes and swamps, they are easily found in the tropical regions. Uniquely poultry this one used to be quite difficult for the observers of birds to distinguish between males and females. However, it was found that the size of the females larger than males. Another uniqueness is the exchange partner, when they are able to seize and lure males belonging to the other spouse. Even the bronze winged jacana females will attack the hive and kill everything in it except the male.

 5. Bonobos 

Other animals which exchange partner is bonobos, which also did not pick and choose who will be the couple kimpoinya. Even bonobos known as primates most likes to do interactions than other species. Bonobos can be heterosexual or homosexual, not only that incest (the relationship of the blood) were carried out. And perhaps because meliki a very close relationship with each other, among bonobos rarely fights.

Source : https://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/569651c1e05227133d8b4567

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