Nauru ,, negara kaya menjadi miskin

Hearing the name of Nauru State may still be strange to our ears. Nauru is a small country in the South Pacific that is ± 500 km from Papua.
Once Nauru is a very large producer of Phosphate stone. The amount of phosphate in the country reaches 41 million tons. this is a huge amount compared to Indonesia consisting of thousands of islands, its phosphate number is only about 2.5 million tons.
This natural wealth makes Nauru a small, very rich country.
residents in Nauru are exempt from tax and get free health care. Even if there are residents who need medical care abroad, the Government will fly it.
But in just 3 decades, all that changed when the inventory of Phosphate is running out.
yes, they are too exploring phosphate out of it without thinking of the future. 2006 was a very tough year for Nauru as large mines closed in the absence of Phosphates.
Not until there, phosphate exploitation also makes the environment becomes damaged. now in Nauru will be very hard to find forest area, all destroyed.
In 2017, Nauru entered into the five poorest countries in the world.
Now Nauru's only survival is to "beg" to Australia.
they offered their country to Australia to be a refuge for boatmen in return for 20 million dollars.


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