black ants that are often alone.

Humans are considered to be God's highest creatures because they are endowed with reason. After that, only animals that have unique intelligence. Although not as smart as humans, it turns out animals also have certain unique ways of living their lives. Including ants.


Ants are eusocial insects that come from the Formisidae family.



Despite its relatively small body size, ants are the second strongest animal in the world. The first position is occupied by the Rhino Beetle with the ability to support the weight weighing 850 times of its own weight. Male ants are able to sustain a load weighing fifty times their own weight, can be compared to an elephant that can only support a weight that is twice the weight of its own body.

It's a lot of hidden wisdom that we can get through this super little creature. Hopefully we can take lessons from this animal. Looks like it got there first discussion. And do not forget the importance in the writing of this article, I include the source below.
Hopefully this article is useful.

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