We just have to open our eyes "Lost flowers"

When we hear the word flower we immediately associate it with a majestic flower, a rose, a carnation or a beautiful orchid, we forget those flowers that grow beside the sidewalks, next to the roads or anywhere spontaneously. They are also very beautiful and in some cases they have a lot of color. I think nobody says that they symbolize and we often observe them and do not pay attention to them. Nature day by day teaches us something and I learned that to see a beautiful flower we just have to open our eyes, because they are everywhere.

I'm going to show you some of the flowers that I captured with my camera and I think many of you will agree with me that all the flowers are beautiful, you just have to learn to contemplate them.

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If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our entire life would change. Buda

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The flowers are both wise and innocent, with their mouths full of experience but their childish eyes. They bend the two poles of life to form a divinely closed circle. Malcolm de Chazal

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The flowers are gentle to look at. They have no emotions or conflicts. Sigmund Freud

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When a flower opens, it is spring all over the world. Alejandro Jodorowsky

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Flowers grow from dark moments. Corita Kent

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There are always flowers for those who want to see them. Henri Matisse

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Your life is a great river, it goes fast.
On its edge, invisible, I sprout sweetly.

I am that lost flower between reeds and achiras
How pious you feed, but perhaps you do not even look.

When you grow up, you drag me and I die in your breast;
when you dry, I die little by little in the mud;
but again I sprout sweetly
when on beautiful days you go mightily.

I am that lost flower that sprouts on your riverside
humble and silent all the springs.

Alfonsina Storni

This is just a small sample of the innumerable variety of flowers that grow every day on all sides, I say goodbye to you and remember you just need to pay a little attention to what nature gives us. See you in the near future.

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CameraFujifilm Hs20exr

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