PHOTO COLLECTION #01 | May | Made by: @richhz06


I am bringing this photo collection today of my favorite photographs that I've taken in my path through Steemit.

I will talk about how I took them and why I like it.


This was one from my first pictures. I took this photos while I was in a field work or a trip of my school, we needed to do several things like research for biology class. We stopped here (this is in El Avila) and I wok this photo of the landscape.


I took this photo of El Avila while I was in my school. I saw this land and I took a pic, I cut off some parts that were below the photo, so you can only see the landscape. I put a little type of "movie" effect, like a little old and that was the result.


This lake photo is from my trip or tour to a camp named: El Lagunazo, that is located in Trujillo, Venezuela (you can also see a travel post of my friend here). I was relaxing here with some friends of my camp group and I wok this "RELAXING" photo.


A landscape that I think is one of my best photos, a little simple but is really cool. I took this photo while I was playing tennis in the club, I took this photo and edited a little bit to give the effect that the sun is shining even more.


Another one of my best photos. I posted this photo a while ago on my blog. The camera was really focused on the light and it gives that effect that I really liked. A simple lightbulb.


This photo was taken in a party I went a while ago too. I posted this photo but didn't attract to many people, I really thing this photo is really good, it's like a mysterious and creepy photo, like an invisible man was there between the darkness while seeing you.


A photo of the sky. This photo is really cool, it's really simple but I really liked the effect that was given to this photo, the color and the clouds.


This photo was for an art contest from @juliakponsford, it's the photo with more likes on my blog and with more rewards: $42. It was a collaborative photo made by me, @wallskhan and @lerb. We went to @wallskhan's house and we made this photo, we used fake blood, @lerb as model and we achieved a great and scary photo.


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