That Indian Light

Here in Australia we are suffering from widespread and dangerous bush fires at the moment. The air is full of smoke, in addition to dust from a large dust storm moving through. The soft red light from the diffused sun reminds me a lot of the light in India. Those who've been there (or other similar parts of Asia) know what I am talking about.

This is also my first post since HF21/22 and also the creation of the Photostreem tribe. So to celebrate these milestones, I'm posting a couple of my Indian images that bring to mind similar light to what we are experiencing in Australia at the moment.

This was from the famous Howrah Bridge in Kolkata. That light.

This was early morning in Udaipur in Rajasthan. This woman was in the middle of some sort of morning ritual. One of the few people shots I've made with a longer lens, so as not to interfere with her ritual.


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