I invite you to read and witness a miracle

Probably many know or have heard of this angel (Instragram: @juntosporvictor) if not, I invite you to see your account and witness a miracle.victor.jpg
Friday 01/12/2018. Starting a new cycle of physiotherapy.

I will give you an advance.

Víctor Gabriel presents medical diagnosis of Arnol Chiari malformation (Chiari type II), which is associated with spina bifida (myelomeningocele), hydrocephalus, and chiari (embedded cerebellum) and syringomyelia.

There is no way that physiotherapy is governed by such complex diagnoses, and that is why our therapeutic objective will always be to develop the physical capacities that make independence possible, and thus contribute to improving the quality of life of each patient / user. as Victor Gabriel.

"We keep going, because the diagnosis is not destiny."

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