Greetings all! I faced a very hectic week again. Our air quality was not very good, in fact labeled "Unhealthy"! Then we received some rain yesterday, which is very unusual for August. I walked around in it to absorb the moisture like my garden. It felt great on the skin. It did not last long, but it did clear out the air. The areas where the fires are did not get moisture, but they did get some "dry lighting" which started a couple more fires. "dry lighting" is receiving a lighting/thunderstorm but the moisture evaporates before it hit the ground.

Let us move on to this week photographs. I chose the title of this post to match this first photograph I took last June when we visited Manito gardens:


Here is another rose. I have so many photographs of roses that I cannot always tell which I posted previously. I know the actual photograph has not been used before because my logo was not on it. My new logo(s) were created by @afrinsultana. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to try a new logo and will use them for this series of photographs. I would appreciate any constructive feedback as to the new logo versus the one I have been using. I will use both logos on the rose photograph. The original one was created by @ikrahch. I personally like them both. Now to the rose:


Here is a Geraneum that was at Manito Gardens. For everyone's information I do very little to the photographs except I will crop a photograph to bring out it's best features and to center it:


I am not sure what flower this next one is or where I took it. Probably I saw it at Manito Gardens.


It seems I selected a lot of pink this week. Must be my mood when picking out the photos. To change things up my final Dahlia bloomed. It is a white/cream colored. It is also 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) across.


This next photographs is a very fascinating flower. I am wondering if anyone recognizes it... I know what it is and will share with all of you what flower it is after I have given everyone the opportunity to see if they know.

So what flower is this:


I enjoy closing out my post with some animal. This photograph I took with my Canon camera (most of photos of deer are taken with one of my game cameras which I attach to a tree, and it is all automatic. This doe I had to stalk to get close enough that I could get a nice shot with my Canon. She has a young one nearby, but I have not yet seen it. She knows when I run fresh water to the tub I have in the ravine behind my house. FYI I also try and bring excess vegetables and even some corn. She usually gets first take on my offering:


I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera. For the photograph of the doe I used my 300 mm lens.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.


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