In the event you have yet to read my post of last night I strongly encourage you to do so. I thank all who have comment. I greatly appreciate the strong support.

Before I get into my photographs for this post I want touch on the situation in Venezuela. As many may already know their government is in upheaval and it is the people who are suffering. Their electricity is intermittent, water is limited, food scarce, and at times they have difficulty getting on the internet. @Zaxan was instrumental in started @aid.venezuela, which is an organization on steemit structured to bring aid to their citizens. To read more about what they are planning and are working on check out their steemit blog. You can also read more on their Discord server ( There are times when invite links stop working, so if that happens let me know and I will get you another. I know many have little to give themselves due to their life situation. I trust those that can help (no amount is too small) will. In the least they also need our positive thoughts and prayers. Thank you for reading this.

I would also like to bring to everyone's attention a recent post by @blind-spot on the horrible events in New Zealand: I will let his post speak for what many are feeling about it:

Now let us get on to some photographs to brighten out thoughts and minds, and also our hearts.

I think everyone will enjoy this rose. It is off a miniature potted rose I bought my wife last year. I have posted other photos of its flowers but I caught this at just the right stage of opening.


I always try and sneak in photographs of some of what I grow under lights during these winter months. This first one is some of what I grow hydroponically: (lettuce ont the right, Bok Choy on the left, Kale in the middle and also in the forefront some pepper starts.


Here is a photo of some micro-greens I grow. This is a photo of beet greens which look wanderful in a salad and of course taste great.


Without looking I believe last week's post showed my pink African I have a macro view of one of it's flowers.


My last photograph is of a macro view of a Peony. I will know spring is here when their shoots start breaking through the earth in search of sun:

6.2017 081-S.JPG

I did not realize when selecting photographs for this post that we would end up with a pink theme. I find this color soothing to view. I hope everyone finds something here they enjoy.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

I have been given permission to use the following graphic from aid.venezuela. I am leaving the link above their graphic:

[]venz portrait-01.jpg


end of post graphic.png


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