Good day all. Yesterday I ended up on the go from early morning hours until well into the evening, so I could see I would need to put off my post until Sunday again. I much prefer Saturday, but at least I sticking with my weekend schedule. Weekends tend to be my busiest times.

As many of you know when my wife was hospitalized last March I had to close up my business, quit a part time job, and then get my wife's in-home care business switched to my name and became the primary caregiver. We get paid to care for 2 disabled adults in our home and we do not have to pay any taxes on our earnings. Doing this also allows me to be home because at times I am also caring for my wife.

During the week the two ladies we care for go to a day program, so most of the work week they are gone. Weekends then tend to be much more hectic.

I do work on gather photographs during the week, and sometimes I get to do some of the narrative. This morning I have photographs ready but writing this as I go. I know I have more photographs which I am gathering, but I have used many of my flower photographs, so I am mixing in other photographs so I am posting more than one photograph. I know there are CD's with more photographs and I will locate them.

I hope by sharing other types of photographs I am giving you an opportunity to see other parts of my life. A few days ago I did a video of what it looks like around my place, and posted it on This was my first attempt at doing a video with my Canon EOS Rebel T5. In the event you have not seen the video here is the steemit link:

I also continue to post on Weku. Here is a link for my most recent link (I posted a number of photographs of woodworking projects that I have done):

My first photograph is of one of my own Dahlias. I have posted photographs of flowers from this plant before, but this photo has not been used before:


As I was going through some of my photos I ran across a photo of my daughter and granddaughter. This was taken a couple of years ago. I thought I would share this with you:


This next photograph was captured on one of my game cameras. You can see my home in the background. This is a flock of wild turkeys that roam the area:


This next photograph was taken while on our cruise to Mexico a couple of years ago. I believe we were in Cabo San Lucas:


I will close this weekend's post with a photograph of one of my petunias from this past Spring:


This brings us to the end of this weekend's post. I hope everyone found something in it that they enjoyed. I am gradually cleaning my indoor plant room, where I grow mostly salad greens during the winter months. I usually grow them hydroponically, but this year I am going to try both in potting soil and hydroponics. I have some photographs from past years that I may share soon. It may be into January before I get things ready and planted.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.


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