
We have reached mid week and I am hoping to complete this post today or tomorrow. I continue to be busy with canning produce from garden and orchard. I canned 20 jars of plums last weekend. I picked more green beans and peas yesterday, and hope to start canning green beans this afternoon.

We normally do not see rain in July, August and most of September. Last year it was 90 days without rain. Over the weekend we received 3.3 centimeters of rain. It not only helped my garden, but it helped firefighters get control of some of the wildfires in the area. I have lived in this area for 37 years and do not recall seeing this much rain in the month of August before this.

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I want to remind everyone about the "Neoxian City Photo Challenge!" a photography contest initiated by @zuku of neoxian-city. It is open to all stemians. Read the post carefully, because all entrants will win something. I just added another 1000 NEOXAG to the prize pool. I decided not to enter the contest, but instead as my way of thanking neoxian.city, I wanted to donate more NEOXAG to the prize pool. It is open to all stemians. I have seen some fantastic photos taken by my followers, using all types of cameras, so I am hoping you will enter the contest. For more detailed information check it out at:


I also encourage you to check out their Discord Server: Parliamentary City of Neoxian. In the event you are new to their Discord Server be sure and read the Welcome channel and read pinned message(s) there. You need to understand their rules. Read this before asking questions related to the rules. This can be a very active Discord Server...so enjoy.

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Now to my first flower shown above...This is the original photograph with just some cropping to center it. I am learning a new photo editing software and later in the year will have this same photo posted with some added effects. I captured a spider on the rose, purely by accident. (I know @kathe-art does a good job of posted photographs with insects/Sé que @kathe-art hace un buen trabajo con fotografías de insectos). This rose just had to be placed first because of the unique coloring.

My next photo of the deer has been worked on with my new editing software so I thought I would share one of my practice photos and still share a deer photo from my game/trail camera:


I am not sure what flower this next one is. I do not think it is a sunflower, although it may be related:


This next flower is a Zinnia. In years past I grew this variety of Zinnia and was amazed at its coloring.


I have mentioned in previous posts that I planted a nice selection of Sunflowers, most of which are of the size for cut-flowers. I was quite surprised when I spotted this next flower. I took a couple of photographs when it was cloudy and then went back yesterday when the sun was out. I really liked this one because the lighting was better. Some of these sunflowers are quite tall and to get the photo I want I had to bring out a step-ladder. I hope you enjoy this unique Sunflower:


As always I hope you find at least one thing in my post that you enjoy. Some tell me that all the photos are great, and I appreciate that feedback. I also know some have their favorites. I trust you will have a great rest of your week. And for those of you you take photographs please check out the contest above.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

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I continue to share information on @socialbot, which is a bid bot, raises money for @schoolforsdg4, and eventually additional social programs. You can use their bid bot or delegate to them. I am doing both.

Their link is https://steemit.com/@socialbot

I am getting a nice rate of return delegating to their cause, and I am paid daily. The maximum amount to pay when using the bid-bot is growing, albeit slowly. Growing is what counts because it is to help social programs.

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Do not forget to use the tags for some of the new tokens I have talked about in other posts. Before using any of these or others as a tag, be sure it fits the intent of the token. Neoxian and palnet are general topic sites to post. Creativecoin is for artistic type posts. LASSECASH I am still trying to figure out. Using these tags when posting on steemit can help you earn money on the other three platforms, as well as steemit. If you vote on someone's post who uses these tags you probably already having earnings in respective wallets. If you have not done so, then look into those wallets and see. With the price of Steem being low the extra earnings from these other tokens can help a lot. There are other tokens that can be used as well, but these are the ones I focus on at this time. Log into steem-engine.com for information on other potential tags. Some tokens may not get very far, so be cautious before you invest in any of them, including those I like and use.

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As many of you already know I list a few charitable users that I try and support. Even though I am posting through Steemit today I have decided to not to add them as beneficiaries. This not to say that adding them is not worthwhile. I have decided not to use this feature because earnings are so low on steemit right now, and I have decided to send those programs who are using neoxian tags and staking at least some of their earnings more neoxian. I think building up their neoxian.city wallets can help them earn more for the future.

I have supported the following for quite awhile. Please check out their blogs and support them in anyway you can. Even small upvotes add up.


Each of these users have a unique service they provide and I applaud their good work. Thank you for considering them.


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