Well I made it through the week. A few days ago I got sick and the first day was rough. Since then I am gradually improving and able to eat. Day one I had to force water down to try and stay hydrated. Not easy. I made a very large kettle of chicken soup yesterday. Started making the broth the day before and yesterday added all the vegetables. Chicken soup always seems to help with the healing process, when I get sick. Vegetables are those that I have grown which adds additional healing properties.

I worked hard at replying to comments and upvoting them for last week's post. I was not sure if I could do them all (because of being sick) but I think I got them done. I did add an update on the bottom of that post in case I missed someone.

It is early Saturday morning and I am trying to get this post up early like last week. I prepared photographs over the last couple of days. The same friend who helped me move tile last week is suppose to be over in a couple of hours to start prepping the kitchen and dining room to lay the tile. I will try to take some photographs. Last year (November through January) I sold enough cryptocurrency to tile our our entire house. I put it in a savings account and left it there. We have needed new floors for a few years and I did not want to try to do it when I am fully retired. Because of profits with cryptocurrency I spent a little more money so as it lasts the rest of my life. Thank you cryptocurrency for helping us out.

This week I decided to start with a cheerful sunflower bouquet to brighten our day (at least mine). I few years ago I planted a lot of sunflowers that are designed for bouquets. I believe it four or five 10 meter rows. I had a lot of people stopping in and trying to buy some from me. Somewhere I have photographs of the rows of them in the garden. I will keep looking for the photo(s).



I am going to share a fern I planted for my wife. I planted it next to a downspout and rain barrel so it get plenty of water. I put this one in 14 years ago. I wish I had taken a photograph in the spring /early summer when it looked much better. We have other ferns that were recently planted but they are struggling. I need to get my irrigation set up better next Spring. We go 3 months with little or no rain in the summer.


This next photograph I was struggling to get my lens to work properly. The rainbow was bigger and brighter but this photo is toward the end of it.


Here is a photograph of one of my African Violets. For some reason I had difficulty getting a good photograph of the blue. Here is a link to a site with great information on African Violets, including some history:


These next two photographs are the same scene, but with two different settings on my 300 mm zoom lens. This on the edge of the property my daughter bought from me. This was taken from a tree stand I put up. It is 4.572 meters off the ground (15 feet). I was out there last late afternoon into the evening and 4 deer came from beyond where the tree has fallen. It was already too dark to get photographs. They came straight toward me.



This final photograph is of one of my Calendula. I have a much lighter one I took this week, but I did not move it off of my camera yet.


This brings us to the close of another post. As usual my weekend and upcoming week will be busy but I will work at replying to comments and upvoting them. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

I did a post on WeKu yesterday. Some photos are different that what I post here on Steemit, so check it out. My referral link is:

In the event you just want to view my photographs/posts here is yesterday's:

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.

I cannot seem to find any notation as to developed my recent logos. Please message me on Discord or leave a comment here. I wanted to give credit to you for doing such a wonderful job, and to say thank you again.


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