Greetings this fine Saturday. And we start a new month. Our smoke has cleared out quite a bit. We had some rain, which I hope is the start of our early Fall rains. Before I finish this I am going to go on a hike in the foot-hills behind my property to setup some more of my game cameras. It is the first in a long while when the air is clear and it is cooled down considerable. I have not been in the hills since last December.

I also wanted to touch on what we have been going through with the prices of all cryptocurrencies, including Steem and SBD. Looking at the chart patterns of last year they are very similar. We are started to see some movement upwards in prices. As I viewed the charts Steem and SBD did not make it's move until November, a little behind many of the others. I am feeling it maybe the case again this year. At this time we see some stabilization of prices, allowing a base to build on. It is difficult to remember that when we are earning Steem or SBD, the amount we earn is the same. Instead we tend to look at the price in USD or our local currency. One must remember that if we are still earning the same amount of Steem and SBD, and we can refrain from selling it, when the price movement (in USD) comes, all the Steem and SBD we have been earning will increase in value. I know many need to withdraw what they earn to help pay their bills and feed their families, but if we can keep some in reserve their will be more value to come. I cannot say how much increase we can expect, but we have already seen a small increase from the bottom. Let us think positive, that it will increase value as we move forward.

Now to add my photograph selection for today. I am tempted to start with something other than a Rose, yet I know how popular they are. I love viewing them myself.


Next is a blossom of red clover. Nothing fancy but it is pretty. I let it grow wild for the bees, in that it blooms longer than some plants, and continues to provide pollen.


I also plant a couple of varieties of white clover. They bloom early in Spring with there is not many blooms for the bees.


I am not sure what flower this next one is. It may be yellow Yarrow. If that is the case then I took the photograph at Manito Gardens. I have not planted it in years. We have wild white Yarrow growing on my property.


This next shot is a Macro view of Status. It is a flower that goes well in flower arrangements, and it dries well.


The next two photographs were from my game camera. I decided to share them both. In the one you can see the tub I use to provide some water for them. Water is scarce this time of the year, so I have had this tub in the same place for 4 years now. The doe's ribs are showing, and I hope it is because she is feeding her young. I have been leaving some food and she usually comes in a gets her fill before all the rest of them show up.



This brings us to a close to this weekend's posts. I did get to hike into the hills/woods this morning. I took lots of photographs, that I have yet to review. I took two of my dogs so did not see any wildlife. I also started working on a blind. It will take me a couple more trips to finish the blind. I set up two more of my game cams, so now I will be getting out there more often.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera. For the photograph of the doe and fawns I used a game camera.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.

I hope all have a great weekend and upcoming week. I have quite a few tomatoes to can today. I usually keep a three years supply on hand, but we have tough gardening years the past two seasons. We only had 4 quarts left. I have already put up 10 quarts. I am hoping for a minimum of 20 quarts today. I may take some photographs for a future post.

Thank you for your support. I appreciate it very much.


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