I did not have the time to post yesterday, as I did last week. I am going out of town Sunday and I am trying to get a lot of work done outdoors before we leave. Mostly, I am working on getting my garden planted. I was working on that today when a thunderstorm moved in. I thought it would be a good time to work on a post. Problem is I had too many photos that I wanted to share for a single post. Therefore, I will post one today and another tomorrow. Today I will focus on photographs taken at my place. Tomorrow I will post photographs from the Manito Park trip we took early last week. Hopefully, you will enjoy both posts.

I have been trying to get a decent photograph of one of my **African Violet** houseplants without a lot of success. Most came out okay, but after weeks of trying I think I found one that I believe is pretty nice:


I have posted a Coleus plant before, but this one has three kinds in the same pot.


This next one is a variation of a petunia that I used in an earlier post. The coloring is a little different:


This next one I found growing wild in my pasture. It looks like a Coreopsis, which I have never grown on my current property.


Next are a few vegetables that I grow. Due to our short growing season I grow some vegetables in containers. Some in greenhouses in containers or in the earth. This first couple of photos are of a greenhouse variety of cucumber I grow in containers. The first one you can see I have a shelf at the back of the greenhouse and then train the vines to grow across the ceiling. To the right I have a few tomato plants in pots to get earlier fruit. I have to place all these in trays to hold water or in the heat of the sun they dry out too quickly.



Next are some containers I grow greens hydroponically. The first is Bok Choy and the second one is a type of Chinese Cabbage:



I grow my main crop of tomatoes in a "hoop house" which is a type of greenhouse. I am able to grow directly in the earth with these. I still plant a row in my garden but due to cold nights they do not do quite as well, but I still get some. I also have deer that think my garden is a grocery store and they raid it every night.


Speaking of deer, I had a young buck visit my water tank and salt lick during daylight so was able to get a nicer photograph from my game camera. He is still in velvet, which is a stage when their antlers are growing. I had some deer that did not look very healthy so I put a sulfur/salt block out for them. It is suppose to help keep tics off of them. The tics spread disease. I could not get any sulfur blocks last year and a number of the deer did not look well last Fall or this Spring. Now that they have it available to them, along with fresh water they are looking better.


This has turned out to be a mixture of photographs. I hope you enjoy the series of photographs. Stayed tuned for tomorrow because I have some nice flower photographs to share, along with some other photos from my visit to Manito Gardens last week.

Seeing as I will be out of town until late Wednesday, I my not get to reply to as many comments until I get back. Sometimes the Internet will work and I have the time then I will work at it before I get home.

As always I appreciate all the support for my posts. I always appreciate Resteeming of my work. As I have said in previous posts if someone wants to use one of my photos please ask, or in the least provide the credit to me. In the event you do use one you should indicate in your post you are using it with my permission, or one of the nasty bots will find an issue with it.

So, until tomorrow...


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