Another weekend has arrived. I have been very busy as usual. but with the Holidays fast approaching there is even more work. I spent several days baking, and now my wife is trying to make her homemade chocolate pies. She did a practice pie yesterday and now today she will need to make more for Christmas Eve. I am not sure how many she is making but she will need some help to get the rest of them made. So another busy day.

I am going to try and work on this post a little at a time until finished. I may be able to get it uploaded today, or first thing Sunday.

I "played" with cropping a few photos that I probably used before, but trying to bring even more beauty out (at least from a different perspective).

This first one is one of my Dahlias.


Here is a close up of a photograph I took during the summer. I am trying to bring the bee a little closer for the viewer. Bees are so essential for pollinating our crops. This little guy looks a lot like a bumblebee, and I refer to it as a miniature bumble bee. I also call them a Carpenter bee, although I am not sure where that name came from. These guys are wonderful pollinators. I did some checking on line and they in fact are Carpenter bees:

Carpenter bees are species in the genus Xylocopa of the subfamily Xylocopinae. The genus includes some 500 species in 31 subgenera. The common name "carpenter bee" derives from their nesting behavior; nearly all species burrow into hard plant material such as dead wood or bamboo. Wikipedia


I found another of my wife's butterfly photographs taken with our older Canon PowerShot camera:

2013-03-23 14.05.51-S.jpg

I am not sure what flower this next one is, but a cropped it to bring it in for a closer view:


I found another photograph of deer that I have not used before. This is a doe and her young from this year. This was probably taken in September, because as we progressed through October into November they put on more weight in preparation for winter. They have to store enough body fat to have in reserve in the event it is a rough winter.


This brings us to the end of this weekend's post. I got on a "roll" this morning and everything went well so I am finishing sooner than I anticipated. As always I hope everyone found something in it that they enjoyed. I did start a few salad greens which are just coming up. I will plant these first ones in potting soil to give me time to build hydroponic units. I am started with new materials so it will have to wait awhile. At least I have some seeds planted. I started taking photos on their progress for future posts.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.


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