Full, New Poetry, Digital Art and Photography, Revisited Poetry and Spoken Word


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I am a point of singularity
absorbing, learning, evolving
I am love; I suffer only
when I forget

think suffering


matter is a flicker
of coalesced dust

the temporary
as fulfillment


what use
do I have
of things

I am a endless mind
I cannot be made full

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I have been watching Sandman but am many episodes behind.

Last night, I watched Lucifer, played by Gwendolyn Christie, battle Morpheus played by Tom Sturridge. I was expecting a battle ala Game of Thrones; epic stuff. Instead what we got was a battle of imagination, who could out wit the other with their understanding of the mind and human psyche.

Spoiler alert

Anti-climatic ... yes the images were exciting ... but the choice of 'weapons' were infinitely more interesting in the long run.


Lucifer appears to win by invoking anti-life; the Sandman pulls off a hail Mary pass from Hope. Proving everything is not lost, if hope remains; hope has no form and is not alive; it only exists in the mind.

Alas hope, at least in terms of Taoist philosophical thought ... as passing through me ... can be its own trap when it is linked to longing.

Hope for all its ability to keep one going in the face of tremendous odds, and to even defeat the devil herself; is also the ethereal yin to hell fire's yang.

And with it purgatory is maintained.

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Esteem is a ladder
With neither top nor bottom
It depends on the shaky regard of others
To keep the climber from falling

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Hope is a phantom
To which you sacrifice the day
To grasp at a tomorrow
That will have sacrifice still further


Hope and esteem serve the internal foe
The internal foe is contained within you

A small part of the whole
A grain of sand to the universe
Yet it claims it is a world
Capable of blocking out the sun

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Do not grasp; do not climb

For self
Choose not the sand
Choose the universe
Choose the world

You will love the universe
You will love the world

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Link to Spoken Word

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Faith(not religious adherence) but faith dissolves karma for as long as that faith can be maintained. Meditation does this as well. I know this because now and then I live it; but then where is the story in that.



Words and Images are my own.

Full was first published today on the HIVE blockchain.

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