Cycling Madness, New Poetry, Digital Art and Photography, Revisited Poetry and Spoken Word

Cycling Madness

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solid as a rock
tectonics, shift
resolve, footing

rifts form
grind against
vows, fealty

how was she to remain loyal
when the Earth itself split


good luck gripping
continental shelves
that want nothing
more, to do with
each other

you can't hold your breath
to dive deep enough into the abyss
there is no other side to get to

it's ALL powered by a molten core

magnetic, motherly
but impossible
to pin down


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she incubates against THE heartless vacuum
she shields from an angry solar father

it gets too much
sometimes, the heavy metal inferno
keeping time inside her mind

it's a lot of stress
fiery eruptions
quick silver

are to be expected


the new moon is coming


when she calms
her lunar tears recede

her spinster sister
keeps the tides moving
but not without

when Gibbous waxes
new vistas are revealed

old scars pulverized by erosion and light
their remains dissolved in a basin
to be suckled by mycelium and roots


ALWAYS there is method
to her cycling madness

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Geology, both the terrestrial and astro, are figuring heavily into my existence at the moment. Geology was one of the last undergrad classes that I took; certainly if I had discovered it earlier it would have claimed me. To say I enjoyed Geology 100 is an understatement. I adored this class both the lecture/textbook and laboratory component. So much knowledge and understanding wrt to how our Earth works, but it also, to my mystical mind, the containment of time itself and every experience, ever experienced on our little water logged speck of space dust. Wowzers. The complete up until this era history of Whoville.

I concede it is WAY too early but I find the comparison apt. The movements within a speck, a snowflake, are monumental to the micro. That said giving us the moniker of even NANO in comparison to the universe is hyperbolic to the exponential. But even that which occurs to the negative nth degree is beautiful and astounding, miraculous, to have occurred at all.

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Consciousness is MORE than gravity wells and chance formation of phosolipids around nucleic acids. You KNOW this. In ways that cannot be predicted. Your choice to practice compassion over consumption and accumulation may just be the start of enlightenment revolution.

Each and every one of us is a piece of some kind of magic and will affect every one and everything that comes after ... just like the flap of proverbial butterfly wings. You can chose gentleness but you don't have to; it will be easier on you and those around you, But never fear life and time, the very land underneath you, know how to take even the hardest rocks and turn them to soil, the very substrate of growth and evolution.


Helical Foundations

thrown from the vortex
to buttress the earth
pursued by ravenous wolves
into the deep belly
of the lupine beast

an aura sullied
by avaricious clutches
a mind rattled
by lying lips


pleasure enslaves the will
blood-lines entwine
her psyche split in two
generational expansion achieved
her duty is fulfilled

yet still, she faces
predatory eyes
produce more
or die trying

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her freedom and youth stolen
so helices can split
and twist

forever through time
the blood must flow
the foundation must hold



Gravity and time ensure
The high falls to the low

Water cannot flow uphill
Fully surrendered to the Tao
It would never try

The stateliest in time
Will bend and bow
Crumble to earth
Nurturing what is to rise

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Embrace the rise
Embrace the fall
Understand as you rise
You are supported by those that fell before
When you fall you nurture those who will rise

link to spoken word



Words and Images are my own.

Cycling Madness was first published on the HIVE blockchain today.

Helical Foundations is published in Monsters, Avatars, & Angels. MAA is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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