A Piece of Art From the Past - 3

Hello pal! As I have already discussed in one of my previous posts that photography is also an art form; so I am sharing yet another picture in the series as a third input. The second one was posted 29 days ago.

I clicked this one in 2015. I was going to Rajasthan (a state in India) with my family. The journey was planned to celebrate my performance at college and as I prefer to travel via trains; so everybody had to give in. I always rush to take the window seat and the journey flies by. At one point, the train was moving very slowly and I saw this woman coming from a long distance. I took out my mobile and got it ready to click. When she reached the perfect spot, I shot her {obviously not with the gun ;) } I took this picture using my Xolo smartphone. I know the quality of the image is a little compromised but what else could you expect from the camera of a mid-range smartphone. For me, this picture is beautiful because it deciphers a lot.

What is your point of view?

PS : In India, we have iron bars on the window of the trains. It was possible for me to click as the train was moving very slowly and safety measures were taken. I don't suggest, in any way, to take your hands out of the window of a moving train until and unless you either want to hurt yourself or break your precious device. ;)

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