Presidential Inauguration GigaPixel Photo + Wheres Waldo Challenge!

The Gigapixel photo of the Presidential Inauguration has been posted. It is a great shot of the event that allows you to zoom in with great detail on the crowd, and has a high enough resolution that you could identify your friends even if they are way back behind the reflection ponds.

This years image is pretty good, and for once CNN posted a good shot of President Trump.

The gigapixel also has shortcuts to some of the more famous politicians in attendance, including ex-President Bush who was closely monitoring the cameraman.

There are a few great things about these types of images, the ability to zoom in and take your own tour of the surrounding architecture.

Capturing subjects unaware can be amusing as well, and there are lots of people caught with bored or funny expressions. The process of sewing the images together is difficult, and even though it is mostly automated now a perfect shot will take lots of photoshop and is just not possible in one day. The glitches can be the best part, when it's not your picture anyway.

So, on to the Wheres Waldo Challenge!

In every crowd shot there are a few fun things to look for, and this one has quite the selection. So far I have found:
A heckler in mid heckle, a floating disembodied head, and a nose picker in mid pick.

See what you can find and post the best one!

An easy way to grab a screenshot is with alt-PrtScr and then use ctrl-v to paste it into mspaint. Then you can select the part you like and use ctrl-c to copy that and paste it into or your favorite image host.

Here is the link to the full gigapixel image.

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