Golden Hour: spectacular rainbow sunset over my hometown

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to my Golden Hour series that I host here on my blog every Sunday. Today, I have something really special for you. A couple of days ago, I got to witness a very interesting natural phenomenon that I had never seen before. Let me show what I am talking about.


I know it looks somewhat artificial and confusing so let me explain what you actually see in the photo.

We have got a lot of summer storms here in the Czech Republic lately and that day, one of them formed over my hometown just before the sunset. As the storm was passing, a magnificent rainbow created on the sky but instead of shining with its regular colors, it appeared to be all golden since it was lit by the last rays of the setting sun. Mother Nature and her creativity will never cease to amaze me :)

I hope you guys had a good week. Let me thank you one more time for all the tremendous response and support that my Tuesday post about Sete Cidades received - I was really amazed by it. I didn´t post anything the other day, just as I informed you last week and so far, I have been really happy about my decision to post less as it gives me more time for curation and better engagement with you in the comment sections of both my and your posts ;)

Note: I am currently on a little trip, exploring some new interesting places here in my Czech homeland, but as soon as I am back home, I will get back to my normal Hivean routine , will reply to all those comments etc. ;)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone and have a great start to the new week tomorrow.

Don´t forget to submit your nominations to my latest upvote giveaway where I reward great but undervalued posts and if you like guessing challenges, stay tuned for the next round of my Monday tipping contest where you can win 5 Hive for guessing the price of our beloved crypto ;)

Let me also remind you that I am running a new weekly series where you can share your fresh natural photos and win upvotes for that.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving! :)

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