Alamanda Forest Flower

Beautiful flower that has the Latin name Allamanda cathartica L is one of the flowers that are very easy to find. People in my country Indonedia often plant it in their homes to beautify their homes and the sap is used as an herbal remedy which I myself do not have the knowledge to explain all of that.

Alamanda is one of the beautiful yellow flowers that can provide bright and cheerful colors for many people, including me, even though I am not a connoisseur of certain flowers. But his charm is able to provide a kind of pleasant soul reflection.

When viewed in terms of its habitat, Alamanda flowers like open spaces exposed to lots of sun with enough rain and high humidity throughout the year. But do not rule out the possibility that alamanda is a plant that is easy to grow in any condition even seen as weeds as shown in the photo below.

My wife




Hopefully this post can provide a different sensation so that it can create a pleasant soul relaxation with cheerful flower colors.

All of the photos above, I took photos in a low bush in a housing estate not too far from where we live.

Best Regards,

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