Photowalk with baby

Our little daughter was a high need baby. I´m not sure, if everybody knows, what that means, so I´ll explain in few words: She cried a lot, she didn´t sleep a lot and when she slept, she slept only close to the parents body. Which means, we never could lay her down to sleep, because the second she touched the bed, she woke up and cried again. It gets even better: When I was carrying her round, I wasn´t allowed to sit down or stand still, because then she started to cry. So I always had to move to please her. I survived these hard times (with some gray hair though) and she´s a great and lovely 2,5 year old girl now.


During these months, I went a lot outside to take a walk in the park close to our appartment. With the baby on my chest, so she could sleep. I took a lot of pictures and posted them on Instagram, so you´ll see now some pictures, taken with my Samsung Note II (since it was easier than also taking my heavy camera with me!) and provided with an Instagram-Filter. Not the best quality though, but they mean a lot to me :)

All these places are located in Karlsruhe, Germany, Schlosspark-Area. Enjoy!






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