My normal day in Africa!

An early morning shot tells me that it's going to be a day of wind, clouds and finally, one of those special sunsets!
Throughout the day I pop out every now and then with my camera to see what I can get! It's good for ones health and wellbeing to break away from the daily slog just to refresh and recharge the self.
Herewith today some shots that I snapped on my excursions!

And finally!

Of course, I don't take long breaks during the day!
Just time enough to stretch and to clear my mind, as I have the habit not to think about anything when I pop outside! Many a time am I struggling with a problem, as in charity work, every day is filled with problems, and when I return a solution often pops up out of nowhere.

There are many warnings out there about the harm of sitting down for hours, be it behind a desk, or on a couch. Frequent activity is good for the heart and also for one's muscles! Besides this there are also many other benefits that are garnered from regular quick breaks! A sedentary lifestyle results in heaps of health problems later in life!
Life a healthy life and reap the benefits!
Think about it!

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