The Heron and the Snake. Just another day in the water in the great outdoors.

I am not the best bird identifier, but I can tell the difference in most of the super popular bird types. I think this bird is a Heron, and like most Heron's this one is hanging out in a pond doing his daily thing looking for something to eat. I happened to get some interesting shots of this bird, and I thought I would share them in this post. I wish I would have gotten more pictures of this, but these three pictures will have to do. This is not my usual thing to post, so it's nice to have a bit of break in postings. The scene with the Heron and snake was pretty impressive if you ask me.

The Heron appears to be scouting the area looking to see what it can find.

The Heron has caught what seems to be some water snake and looks like he's having a rough go with the snake. During the fight, it looked as if the snake kept trying to wrap its tail around the bird's neck, but it does not stop the battle for dinner.

The Heron has won the fight with the snake and off he goes the snake limp and defeated.

Did you know that Herons locate their food by sight and usually swallow it whole? They have been known to choke on prey that is too large. Wow! Could you believe swallowing your food whole? I am so glad that we have teeth to chew before we eat. I guess there are positives to being human. LOL 🙂

I find nature to be so fascinating and how most animals and humans instinctively know what their roles are and an idea of what needs to be done.

Additional information and facts on what this bird appears to be in my opinion. The Great Blue Heron is a large bird that is usually found near some type of water and or marshland around North & Central America, Caribbean and the Galápagos Islands. Once in awhile,​ they can be found in the coastal Spain, the Azores, and areas of far southern Europe. It's one of the most significant types of herons. It has a natural time adapting to just about any wetland habitat in its range and usually found in numbers.

Do you have Heron Birds in your area? ​


#animal #adventure #bird #heron #greatblueheron #water #alirivka #ozhiya

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