A Glimpse To The History

It looks like a lot of people like my yesterday's colorful post. Because of that, I decided to make another post on the same topic.

I'll show you a couple of photos which show us a bit more about old and interesting culture.

I think that Canada is doing a good job to support and promote its history and at the same time allowing the new and different people to come in the Country.

One can always do more but I'm not here to judge.

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Tourists from all over the world come every year to see the things which they only familiar from John Wayne's old Western movies.

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Horses had an important part life of the native tribes and they still are.

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Bison is the icon. Probably the most important piece of a puzzle. Somehow they managed to preserve them. They're live in the national parks only, but their numbers are increasing.

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Here is just one use case of a bison.


Art and spirituality have a big role in the life of the native people.


These men were real and not just some random names from the spaghetti Western.

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The tipi was used by Indigenous people of the Plains in the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies of North America. A tipi is different from other conical tents by the smoke flaps at the top.
I copied this sentence from Wikipedia because I don't know how to describe these tents.

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If you want to know more about this topic you can always ask uncle Google about it.

Have a great weekend, my friends.

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