Easy Saturday

Saturday as usual. We have nothing special in our plans for today but we'll find something for sure.

One of the benefits of the internet era is that you can get the information immediately when you need them.

You just go online and search for whatever you want. I usually open the CBC website where every Friday is an article with the title: ,,What to do in Edmonton this weekend.''

In the city with a million people is always something happening. Indoor or outdoor. Especially in the summertime.

But let's not go too fast.

Here are some fresh photos from last week. We all enjoy a green nature up here and spend as much time outside as possible although mosquitoes are biting like crazy. But that's the part of the deal.


Some owners pay a lot of attention an effort into their front yards.


I saw this one in the winter and I almost didn't recognize it now.


Nice combination of grass and bricks.


Golf is sports No#2 in Alberta.

Well, if we count hockey like a sport.

As I noticed, it's more a religion for most of Canadians.


Say hello to the old tree.


My macro attempt for this week.

It looks more like a quicksilver than water.


It was just an average bridge to me until I read the memorial plaque. It has a name by the soldier who got engaged on this bridge and after that got killed in Afganistan war.


Another old beauty.


A boat on the North Saskatchewan River with threatening clouds over the city.

Oh, I find an interesting event to attend this afternoon.

Stay tuned.

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