Entry for @deliberator weekly competition

So as a relative newbie (had account for a while but only now gearing up to being really active) this is a good competition to start and get to meet some of the community I think!

This is my image;


This is not strictly from where I live right now (Spain), but this is where I lived 3 weeks ago (the UK). Part of me is still there though and this was a park very near the house I lived in for 17 years. As moving day approached I was trying to soak it all in, to appreciate all the wonderful things about the place before I left, and very early one morning I came across this scene. The morning light was shining from behind, it was bitterly cold and the leaves had this amazing vivid colour. I was convinced I was seeing it with 'rose tinted glasses', but now that I look at it again I must say, it indeed was a beautiful sight. But I also like the black fence in front because it represented well the way I felt about the current situation being an EU national in Brexit Britain... All that I loved about the place was soon going to be inaccesible to me (and millions of others) simply because I was not born there.

Hope you like it.

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