The #1 reason for many Hong Kongese to visit Europe (an ode to Nature) - original works

At the moment, I am on holidays in Holland and I recently visited an old forest called “Liesbos” in Breda. Breda’s tranquil and stunning nature struck me deeply.  

I would like to share my original photos and video of my trip with you.  

As a person who spends almost her entire life in a brick city (Hong Kong), it is fascinating to see the power of nature. I have always envied countries that are willing to preserve the natural environment. Where I am from, it is very difficult to afford nature due to the scarcity of land and the high population. Nature is, I think, the #1 reason for many people in Hong Kong to prefer Europe as it enables us to escape the buzzling city life.   

I loved to cycle in the forest and to breath in the fresh air in Breda. Cycling is a normal activity and means of transportation for the Dutch, but for us in Hong Kong it is quite a special leisure activity – something that we would plan and look forward doing.    

I believe that nature is very important for us. As Henry David Thoreau said,  “It is the marriage of the soul with Nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination.”  

Nature is a cradle for creativity 

I believe that nature is a cradle for creativity. The English poet William Wordsworth is a prominent figure in representing nature in his works.   In the opening line of one of his poems, Wordsworth beautifully describes nature’s impact on our well-being:   

OH there is blessing in this gentle breeze,
A visitant that while it fans my cheek
Doth seem half-conscious of the joy it brings
From the green fields, and from yon azure sky.  

Nature makes you tranquil 

The wide pasture bristled with trees is the best soundproof setting against the bustling city. Silence is a very important part in our lives. It is the time you can listen to your own voice and meditate on your own being. This might allow you to take a deeper understanding about decisions you previously made. Tranquility enables us to form brand new perspectives.   

Nature brings up philosophical questions  

When gazing into the potency of nature, we often wonder about our trivial existence in the universe. It is necessary for us to question the meaning of life sometimes, especially in dynamic and fast-paced modern times. This existential moment allows us to take a step back and reaffirm our natural roots in this world.  

After all, nature drives inspiration. The greatest artists have always been inspired by looking at and interpreting nature in limitless ways. They gave countless expressions to the artistic sentiments that it ignited.     

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