Red pests have not changed like ninjas

Just say the animal pest is classified into a group of pests in general, usually colored black hijou atou, this pest is only a few months old and has not yet been colored hijou atou turned into black. with this one pest it does not disturb the community because this pest does not like the name Atou rice vegetables but this animal prefers ... looking for small forest atou bushes for those hi atou singles to find food. And there are also some of which actually disturbed the surrounding community. ![image]

This pest is often hiding under the leaves of small tree towes atou corned the bush and there is also if we want to find her naman that this does not run and if the color is still red pests has no fur and can not fly and can not fly and can have fallen new can fly pests. This one is some of the kind more effective because of her small. It is colored as adults and. The degan this one is more. We can know. Because later his place already changed and there ... I want to do good-karma likes to postu I and do not forget to give me a bit of harapa to be able to cars like itself ![image] ()

And if the view from the side of this pest has a different flexible to in terms of we take his photo that is hard to do this pests to walk the way and .Lo to stop it and from his small form once .... image


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